Summary of official information request
- What are the Eating Disorder Clinical Guidelines for decision making around which referrals are accepted into SIEDS outpatient team, or referred to Caf South/North outpatient team, or other adult mental health services?
- What are the numbers for referrals for Eating Disorder support through SIEDS for 2017 - 2021 (broken in to year groups), and the breakdown of which pathway the referral was eventually directed (SIEDS outpatient team, Caf outpatient team, or other adult community support)?
- What are the numbers of patients that are not accepted to direct SIEDS outpatient support, who then later require inpatient care in C Ward from 2017 - 2021?
- How many complaints have been received regarding wait times, or inability to access SIEDS support (both inpatient and outpatient) from 2017 - 2021?
- What are the clinical guidelines around discharge from C Ward?
- What are the wait times for access to inpatient care in C Ward 2017 - 2021 (average wait, longest wait, shortest wait, broken in to year groups)
- How many regional admissions are there to C Ward (2017- 2021)?
- What is the policy around using the Mental Health Act for people to receive inpatient treatment in C Ward for Eating Disorder support?
- How many people have been under the Mental Health Act for Eating Disorder Support from 2017 - 2021? (broken into year groups, and aged under 18 and over 18).
- What is the policy around repeated use of the Mental Health Act for C Ward admissions?
- Is there a policy stating that the Mental Health Act can only be used once?
- What are the clinical guidelines for care of people diagnosed with severe and enduring Anorexia?
- How many inpatient beds will be available in the new hospital based at Hillmorton?
- Will the new ward be a closed or open ward?
- Will the new ward be combined with the Mothers and Baby’s ward or separated?