Key plans and reports are listed at the top of the document library homepage, other recent documents are listed by date under these documents. Please note: Many publications in our document library are now historic district health board documents, rather than current information. You can find up-to-date national publications, including responses to OIA requests on the Te Whatu Ora national website.
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Since February 1, 2021, copies of any reports, documents, memoranda, and correspondence, both internal and external, regarding misinformation about Covid-19 vaccines/vaccination, including any reports of examples of misinformation, any official reaction to such examples or the problem of misinformation as a whole, and the possible impact of such misinformation.
The Community & Public Health and Disability Support Advisory Committee (CPH & DSAC) meeting minutes and agenda.
Health statistics and data on population of Lyttleton suburb
Multiple Sclerosis New Zealand is aware that your DHB has been presented with a Business Case to make autologous haematopoietic stem cell transplants (aHSCT) available in your DHB to patients with Multiple Sclerosis. Multiple Sclerosis New Zealand requests a copy of this Business Case along with further information including any analysis of the business case correspondence etc regarding your decisions on this application.
The total number of annual leave days taken by (all) Senior Medical Officers (SMOs) in your employ in each of the following months for each DHB (WCDHB and CDHB) separately: December 2020 and January 2021
A summary of the costs of hospital intensive care services provided to those not entitled to NZ free health care (ineligible patients). The cost summary should include reference to the number of days or hours in intensive care. Information to cover the last three years.
Yaldhurst quarries - International peer review reports - personal monitoring of dust exposure and levels involving Yaldhurst residents in the vicinity of quarries.
Re the HPV vaccine in schools:
Suspected sexual or physical abuse in children aged 0-17 the CDHB has treated - 2017 - 2021 YTD.
HPV Gardasil Vaccine: Number of schools refusing school based immunisation programme for this vaccine.
The Canterbury DHB Board meet approximately every month. Board agenda papers are usually published two days before a board meeting.
Manawhenua Ki Waitaha (MKWCT) Board Meeting Minutes.
Canterbury DHB Consumer Council Meeting Minutes.
The number of times DHBs have challenged a coroner's findings after an inquest.
Transmasculine chest surgery - follow up to response to CDHB 10555.
All correspondence by any CDHB staff member about the surplus Covid-19 vaccine doses on the weekend of April 9-11 involved in managing and distributing the vaccine doses during that period including but not limited to:
Information about Specialist Mental Health Services provided during January to April 2021.
The Hospital Advisory Committee (HAC) meets approximately every 3 months.
Do you provide financial support to Pegasus 24 Hour Surgery to reduce the cost of home visits? If so, why is a similar level of support not provided to Afterhours GP?
Re Mental Health Act 1992:
Re Cardiology Dept 15-29 March 2021:
Hospital pathology service contracts past and present.
CDHB Annual Plans: Would you please provide me with copies of those up to and including 2007/2008, either electronically or by hard copy mailed to my home address.
Copies of documents created since the start of 2019 that relate to the condition, performance and adequacy of specialist mental health facilities managed by the DHB: Copies of business cases for repairs or upgrades of existing SMHS facilities / building of new facilities. Bed occupancy rates, bed numbers, unplanned readmission rates, funding for SMHS addiction facilities etc.
Manawhenua Ki Waitaha (MKWCT) Board Meeting Minutes.
The Canterbury DHB Board meet approximately every month. Board agenda papers are usually published two days before a board meeting.
Canterbury DHB Consumer Council Meeting Minutes.
Disposal of post-operative and pathology body parts and tissue.
The number of workers, not employed by hotels, but working in MIQFs who are currently earning below the Living Wage.
The Information Team at Community and Public Health (the public health division of the Canterbury District Health Board), was approached by the Canterbury Regional Isolation and Quarantine (C-RIQ) leadership who were concerned by incidents of stigma and discrimination being reported to them by staff working within the Canterbury Managed Isolation and Quarantine facilities (MIQF). In order to inform next steps by the C-RIQ leadership in supporting their workforce, a rapid literature review and a survey of Canterbury MIQF staff was undertaken in late 2020.
You can also read the full MIQ facility workers survey and literature review
The Maternity Quality and Safety Programme (MQSP) Annual Report is published each year and submitted to the Ministry of Health.
The Information Team at Community and Public Health (the public health division of the Canterbury District Health Board), was approached by the Canterbury Regional Isolation and Quarantine (C-RIQ) leadership who were concerned by incidents of stigma and discrimination being reported to them by staff working within the Canterbury Managed Isolation and Quarantine facilities (MIQF). In order to inform next steps by the C-RIQ leadership in supporting their workforce, a rapid literature review and a survey of Canterbury MIQF staff was undertaken in late 2020.
To date, little or no research has been applied to understanding any work-related wellbeing impacts for individual MIQF workers, their whānau, and their communities, as well as any implications for life outside-of-work. The most closely related literature is focused on healthcare and other front-line workers’ experiences within in-patient contexts, for other viral diseases such as HIV, EBOLA, MERS, SARS (although the COVID-19 literature is emerging).
In a high-stress situation, such as a pandemic response, distorted disease perception, misinformation, and fear can trigger reactions from individuals and groups that can disproportionately affect front-line workers (and their significant others) and lead to negative psychosocial outcomes. Stigma and discrimination directed towards front-line healthcare workers have been well documented across several previous viral epidemics including HIV, EBOLA, MERS, SARS, and currently COVID-19, where they have been shown to be strongly associated with low staff motivation, poor staff retention, low morale, reduced psychological wellbeing, and in some cases anxiety and depression.
The applicability of the literature review findings to COVID-19 MIQ facilities in New Zealand needs to be considered in light of the differences in illness severity and the nature of the settings studied in the literature. Despite these differences, previous epidemics and settings share many common elements, and many of the studies propose strategies that might be applied in the context of New Zealand’s MIQ facilities.
You can also read the MIQ facility workers survey summary
The total number of staff vacancies across all sites operated by the DHB, broken down by area of work (eg. Nursing) as of 01/03/2021.
RE Intersex babies: How many intersex children have had genital surgery within their first year of life? (Could I have this info from 2016-2021 broken down into the number each year and the overall number for the ast five years / whether or not the surgery was medically necessary or whether it was cosmetic, the gender of the child as recorded on their birth certificate and the total cost per year of the surgeries. 2. How many referrals have been made to other DHBs for intersex babies in their first year of life for surgery, last five years, broken down into the number each year and the overall number 2016-2021
Showing 361-400 of 1316 results, page 10 of 33.
Page last updated: 24 January 2024
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