Key plans and reports are listed at the top of the document library homepage, other recent documents are listed by date under these documents. Please note: Many publications in our document library are now historic district health board documents, rather than current information. You can find up-to-date national publications, including responses to OIA requests on the Te Whatu Ora national website.
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The number of ventilators held by your organisation on March 31, 2020. Average usage rate for such equipment over the 2019 calendar year. Expected or modelled monthly surge demand for such equipment caused by the Covid-19 outbreak.
Public waitlist for a hysterectomy from first referral from Gynaecological specialist to first hosp appointment in last 12 months.
1. Cost breakdown of Christmas parties in 2019.
2. End of year bonuses in 2019.
3. Cost breakdown of all international travel taken by the CEO in 2019.
Elective surgery impact post white island incident between 9 Dec and 1 Feb 2020
White Island incident: Direct costs broken down by total figure; breakdown of where the costs were lost from i.e. cancelling elective surgeries, having to reschedule outpatient appointments, equipment needed, additional staffing hours.
Annual spend on lunches provided for multi disciplinary team lunchtime meetings for medical and other staff. How much DHB spends over whole organisation? Was cutting that budget considered before cutting the funding for youth sexual health consultations in primary care, in order to cut costs at the DHB?
Follow up questions to response 10274.
Ophthalmology wait list, breakdown of how long these patients have been waiting.
The Canterbury DHB Board meet approximately every month. Board agenda papers are usually published two days before a board meeting.
The Canterbury DHB Board meet approximately every month. Board agenda papers are usually published two days before a board meeting.
Manawhenua Ki Waitaha (MKW) Board Meeting Minutes.
Canterbury DHB Consumer Council Meeting Minutes.
About the Canterbury DHB's Long Term Investment Plan.
Information regarding sexual harassment complaints, internal and external investigations.
The Canterbury DHB Board meet approximately every month. Board agenda papers are usually published two days before a board meeting.
List and details of capital expenditure for the last ten years.
The number of attendees who reported symptoms following the 3 December 2019 Christchurch Girls High leavers dinner, the range and numbers of symptoms reporter. And confirmed and suspected cases of Clostridium Perfringens.
Gender reassignment hormone therapy - number referred, treated, ages, transitioning from male to female, female to male?
Cost of outsourcing surgery to private theatres from June 2018 to January 2020.
Number of orderlies, ethnicity, salaries, languages spoken.
All Asbestos Management Plans prepared under Regulation 13(2) of the Health and Safety at Work (Asbestos) Regulations 2016.
An estimate of your DHB budget for population nutrition promotion over last three years.
Future plans for vacant land i.e. old Womens Hospital Colombo street. Is this land to be sold, when? If not sold what are the plans?
10249-10254 combined response: Grommets, Hips and Knees, Cervical Colposcopy, Colonoscopies, Cataracts, Coronary artery bypass graft (CABG).
Cost of ECT (electroconvulsive therapy) for past five years.
Correspondence between CDHB and Minister, MoH between Aug 2019 and Feb 2020 re provision of car parking at Christchurch Hospital.
Current waitlist for people accessing counselling through a DHB funded primary health care or community provider i.e. Brief Intervention Counselling. Broken down into men, women, age.
How many patients detained under the Mental Health Act: AWOL, suicide, disappeared, suffered an adverse event etc.
Reports, meetings, agendas and letters shared between the DHB and NZNO on bullying and harassment in the 2018 / 2019 financial year.
Manawhenua Ki Waitaha (MKW) Board Meeting Minutes.
The Canterbury DHB Board meet approximately every month. Board agenda papers are usually published two days before a board meeting.
What processes and protocols have been put in place to ensure the validity of an enduring power of attorney before respecting their decision making authority?
Number of people who were put on a waitlist to access detox and rehab addiction services each year over past four years.
Copies of smoke-free policies between the years 2000 - 2019.
Why so few discarded cases in the WHO report when the vast majority of PCR test are negative.
Information about people who were ineligible for public healthcare and who were treated in aftermath of March 15 attacks.
Models of care for Hillmorton acute Mental Health ward
Number of phone calls to the mental health crisis team over past five years.
Legal costs for 2018/2019 incurred by Canterbury DHB and West Coast DHB
Skin cancer prevention funding and expenditure in the last 10 years.
Showing 721-760 of 1315 results, page 19 of 33.
Page last updated: 24 January 2024
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