Response to official information request
I request the following information for each of the 2015/16, 2016/17, and 2017/18 financial years:
- The total revenue from patients and visitors paying to park their vehicles in any DHB parking space.
- Are any parking spaces provided to employees? If so, what is the total economic value of the parks?
- The total revenue collected from employee parking spaces.
- The total number of DHB parking spaces.
- The total revenue generated from fines and infringement fees as a result of staff, patients, and visitors parking their vehicles improperly.
- The total number of fines and infringement notices issued. Please also disclose the number of fines and infringement notices that were waived.
- The total cost of the DHBs parking enforcement system. Please ensure to include any payments or wages made to contractors or staff to patrol the DHB parking spaces.
- The current hourly charge for a user to park a vehicle in any DHB parking space. If parking is charged at a time interval other than hourly, please disclose the relevant interval(s) and charge(s).
- A list of any parking concession charges or exemptions available to patients or visitors.