Official information request details
- How many women have been transferred to another city to give birth in the past six months – broken down by month? Why were they taken to another city for the birth i.e. was it due to lack of space
- How many women have had to give birth in another city in the past six months because their baby needed care in a neonatal unit and the CWH unit was full? Can you provide numbers broken down by month?
- How many women were sent to another city to give birth in 2018, broken down by month?
- What cities have women been sent to from Christchurch to give birth?
- How many babies that require care are there in the neonatal unit on average?
- How long do women and babies remain out of Christchurch for neonatal care before they can return?
- Has the Canterbury DHB raised concerns about the capacity of the neonatal unit with the Ministry of Health?