Summary of official information request
- A copy of the final Ernst & Young (EY) report(s) tabled or presented to the Board and/or the Quality Finance and Risk Committee between June-September 2020.
- A copy of the Executive Management response to the EY report(s) tabled or presented to the Board and/or Quality Finance and Risk Committee between June - September 2020.
- A full breakdown of the total costs associated with the EY review including 2019, 2020 and 2021 calendar years.
- A summary of what savings associated with the EY report have been delivered or verified, with supporting evidence.
- The costs associated with the appointment of ALMA Consulting in delivering or finding savings within CDHB.
- Copy of the Board minutes where Audit NZ discussed or presented their audit opinion of CDHB for 2020.
- The feedback from Board members including the Crown Monitor on the Audit NZ findings for 2020.
- Advice provided by Lester Levy to CDHB, including Dr John Wood and Mark Solomon, in his capacity as Crown Monitor, including evidence to support the advice in documents, emails (by official email and via personal email) and texts.
- Advice received or provided from Crown Monitor Lester Levy to CDHB Board or its Executive Management Team about what savings he believed could be delivered.
- The Crown Monitor has consistently and publicly stated that there are new models of care needed. Did Dr Levy provide detail to CDHB of what these models are and what differences they might make? If so, pls release this detail.
- Advice received from Crown Monitor Dr Levy by CDHB Board and Executive Management Team, or by them from MOH re Dr levy’s advice, about what savings he believed could be delivered.