Summary of official information request
Follow up to CDHB 10639:
Part 1: In the post-earthquake environment in Canterbury, the Charity Hospital offered its services to the CDHB, an offer that was declined. Would you please provide copies of CDHB minutes or extracts from those minutes at which this offer/s was discussed both internally and with Charity Hospital representatives and the specific reason/s why the offer/s were declined?
Part 2 (a) Is it the policy of the CDHB to discourage staff from volunteering at the Charity Hospital, instead preferring that they undertake contract work at private fee-charging hospitals? If so, would you please provide me with copies of documents which contain that policy.
Part 2(b) Is it instead the policy of the CDHB to encourage staff to volunteer at the Charity Hospital and if so on what conditions? Would you please provide me with copies of documents which contain this information?