Response to official information request
- Have any staff at the DHB been caught viewing pornography on work computers in the past five years? If so how many?
- How were they caught? For example, images were discovered on a computer, on a printer, on a server, etc?
- What type of job did the person do? For example, doctor, nurse, manager etc – if manager please specify department or management level.
- Please also state if the person was male or female.
- Were the employees investigated? If so what action was taken? If not, why not?
- If staff were suspended were they suspended on full pay?
- How many complaints have been made in the past five years about pornography being viewed, accessed, downloaded, streamed, printed or stored on DHB computers/phones/laptops/tablets/servers? If so how many and when?
- What action was taken over those complaints?
- Have any staff been prosecuted criminally in the past five years for viewing, accessing, downloading, streaming, storing, or printing pornography at work? If so how many and what was the outcome?
- Have any staff taken a personal grievance over action involving discipline for viewing, accessing, downloading, streaming, storing or printing pornography at work? If so, when, how many and what was the outcome?