I am seeking the job classification/designation of persons involved in the development and authorisation of the following polices:
If there were lay people or people not employed by the hospital involved and I include volunteers, advocates, consumers but not limited, I would like these people to be identified and included in my request.
Total patient admissions numbers to each unit ( North, South, East and West Inpatient Units) at Te Awakura, Hillmorton Hospital between the periods of January 1 2022 and 31st May 2022. I am also requesting during the same period and same units at Te Awakura, Hillmorton Hospital, the following information in regards to the following policy: Search for and removal of banned items procedure (2400052). The total monthly amounts for each unit, as documented in patient notes of the following 2 items: Grounds for personal and property searches? And any evidence to support patient consent being obtained or denied.
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Page last updated: 11 August 2022
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