Yaldhurst quarries -follow up to request 10602: I would appreciate any report created by Dr. Pink at the time being provided, and fully understand and appreciate current circumstances make this most certainly a low priority. If there is no report from him, and the only report in existence as a review / analysis of the monitoring being that by Mr. Fowles if I could be advised that is the case.
Yaldhurst quarries - International peer review reports - personal monitoring of dust exposure and levels involving Yaldhurst residents in the vicinity of quarries.
All communications with Environment Canterbury and Fulton Hogan concerning quarrying dust since September 2017.
Information since January 2014 in relation to Yaldhurst quarry activities.
All correspondence in relation to the survey/study of the effects of quarry dust on Yaldhurst as carried out and released by ECAN.,
Showing 1-5 of 5 results, page 1 of 1.
Page last updated: 5 July 2021
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