As of Feb 14 2022 how many people have been waiting longer than clinically recommended for radiation treatment?
Radiation therapists FTE and Headcount / vacancies, sick leave, oncology FSA as at 1/7/2021 / Wait list between FSA and first radiotherapy treatment. Numbers of hypofractionated treatments, normal and stereotactic treatments completed each month 20/21.
Questions around Medical Oncology staffing numbers, leave taken by staff, and type of leave taken by staff.
Information about your DHB's outsourcing arrangement with the local private radiation oncology provider for delivery of radiation treatment to public patients. Can I please be provided with: 1. total number of treatment courses delivered by tumour type (or palliative if it was palliative intent) between 1 July 2018 and 30 May 2020 in the private provider on your behalf for public patients.
Information on the cost to the tax payer; any or all of the price paid per treatment course delivered, the price per fraction or the total dollar amount paid for all the treatment courses included in your response to the question 1. 3. the number of public patients who received their radiation oncology FSA in private provider on your behalf between 1 July 2018 and 30 May 2020.
The number of women who received radiation therapy for the most recent full year. Number of women provided with fully funded Mepitel film. Number of women who were not recommended Mepitel film and who were given information about how to purchase from supplier.
Have people been harmed as a result of oncology and or radiation wait times over past six months
Radiation therapists, budgeted and actual FTE. Total number of LINAC radiotherapy sessions / fractions 2016-2019 YTD.
Does Canterbury DHB record the amount of radioactive waste being produced as a by-product of operating radiology / diagnostic machines?
Showing 1-8 of 8 results, page 1 of 1.
Page last updated: 23 May 2022
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