Hospital wait times and Emergency Department delays.
Times patients wait to see a specialist, to have surgery or to start their cancer treatment.
TOP surgery: Waiting time from referral by GP to be accepted for TOP surgery.
The impact on revenue for a hospital/DHB that is caused by an operating theatre being closed for a period of time. Can you please provide the average revenue that an operating theatre brings in per year? If that is too difficult, can you please provide the total operating theatre revenue for CDHB and the total amount of operating rooms?
Healthcare Waste / Volumes of hazardous and controlled waste and number of surgeries completed broken down by site (ChCh Hosp and Burwood) for last ten years.
Treatment protocols: Post-Operative Urinary retention, persistent postsurgical pain, treatment of patients after a suicide attempt or suicidal ideation and constipation
Emergency Department / FSA and planned surgery wait times / ICU occupancy.
Partial transfer from MoH:
After referral from a GP and acceptance for an appointment, what is the current wait time for a first specialist appointment for patients with gallbladder issues? After the first specialist appointment is completed and surgery approved for gallbladder removal, what is the current wait time for the surgery to be completed? What steps is the CDHB undertaking to ensure that patients are seen (first specialist appointment) within four months of referral?
Endometriosis / Back pain / Orthopaedic wait times
Elective procedures, imaging (MRI, CT scans) and mental health appointments delayed under lockdown levels 3 and 4.
Follow up to CDHB 10639:
Part 1: In the post-earthquake environment in Canterbury, the Charity Hospital offered its services to the CDHB, an offer that was declined. Would you please provide copies of CDHB minutes or extracts from those minutes at which this offer/s was discussed both internally and with Charity Hospital representatives and the specific reason/s why the offer/s were declined?
Part 2 (a) Is it the policy of the CDHB to discourage staff from volunteering at the Charity Hospital, instead preferring that they undertake contract work at private fee-charging hospitals? If so, would you please provide me with copies of documents which contain that policy.
Part 2 (b) Is it instead the policy of the CDHB to encourage staff to volunteer at the Charity Hospital and if so on what conditions? Would you please provide me with copies of documents which contain this information?
With yet more reports appearing in The Press about the crisis that the CDHB is facing in the delivery of public healthcare, apart from surgical procedures being outsourced at considerable cost to the CDHB each year, given that Christchurch has New Zealand's first genuine charity hospital founded by Dr Bagshaw (St George's Hospital is a fee-charging society with charitable purposes while the Charity Hospital does not charge for its services),
Last five years, number of young women under 25 / hysterectomy. How many accepted and how many declined. Criteria for women under 25 to be eligible for hysterectomy.
All information and documentation regarding the decision to select patients for transmasculine chest reconstruction surgery from the GP referral pool via a number randomisation technique.
Labral Tear Hip Surgery: Last five years. Number of patients who have requested surgery, age, gender. Number declined (age and gender) reasons declined. Number referred for assessment (age and gender), Number referred elsewhere for surgery (age and gender). Correspondence CDHB and ACC on reasons patients will not be covered by ACC. Total cost for Labral tear hip surgery.
Transmasculine chest surgery - follow up to response to CDHB 10555.
Do you provide financial support to Pegasus 24 Hour Surgery to reduce the cost of home visits? If so, why is a similar level of support not provided to Afterhours GP?
For each cardiac procedure (stent, ECG, Echo, open heart surgery etc), for the years 2018 and 2019 by year, the following information:
For each of the last four years:
Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation (TAVI) procedure, surgery criteria, surgery availability.
Hip and Knee replacements referred by private specialist / referred privately by specialist who also works for DHB / number of private referrals who don't have to undertake an FSA.
Number of formal complaints about surgical equipment mistakenly being left behind in patients in the last three years, which went to the Health and Disability Commissioner or resulted in a review of hospital policy.
Surgery threshold for: Endometriosis laparoscopic surgery, Knee replacement, hip replacement and whether any surgery thresholds have changed in the last five years at your DHB?
Can this include what the threshold change was and for what surgery.
CDHB - Waiting list GP referrals and waiting list for surgery for the following:
Could you please provide the length of time for patients on the waiting list who was referred in the Canterbury region for the following:
Could you please provide the average wait time for patients being treated with the following cancers:
DHB spend on locums for medical specialists every year for the past five years. i.e. General surgery, Orthopaedics, Enterology, Gynaecology, Ophthalmology, Urology, Cardiology.
Total locum spend year by year over this period, as well as the total internal staff spent on specialists for the same periods?
What is the size of the population the DHB serves and what is its annual operating budget? It would also be helpful to have explanations for higher (or lower) than usual locum costs for particular periods and whether or not the DHB offers limited services in respective departments.
Information regarding colonoscopy waiting lists and referrals 2018-2020
Does the Board have a policy to prioritise Māori and/or Pasifika patients on elective surgery waiting lists? Pressures of deferred surgery due to COVID-19?
Breast reconstruction wait lists 2019/2020.
A detailed breakdown of any and all incidents relating to equipment not being properly sterilised by the District Health Board from March 2019.
Please clarify if the lack of sterilisation was picked up before or after patient exposure.
Showing 1-40 of 61 results, page 1 of 2.
Page last updated: 5 October 2022
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