Autism Spectrum Disorder: Number of assessments, diagnoses, waitlist
Hospital wait times and Emergency Department delays.
MRT staffing, number of examinations, wait times.
Times patients wait to see a specialist, to have surgery or to start their cancer treatment.
The current size of the waiting list for all skin cancer referrals to your DHB as follows:
Emergency Department / FSA and planned surgery wait times / ICU occupancy.
As of Feb 14 2022 how many people have been waiting longer than clinically recommended for radiation treatment?
Cervical screening: Backlog of women who still need to be screened since first lockdown (COVID) in particular Maori and Pacific women.
30/11/2021 REVISED REQUEST: MEDICAL ONCOLOGY and Radiation Oncology - ONLY Oncology Dept:
The percentage of patients that have been declined referrals from multiple internal and external requests for gastro-intestinal department (Multiple being more than 3 separate GP/Doctor referrals) 3/12/2021 time frame 1/1/2010-1/11/2021.
17 questions: Orthopaedic surgery wait list, pain management, number of surgeons, support services for patients with spinal injury, prescription drug addiction, pain clinic. Suicides while waiting for surgery.
After referral from a GP and acceptance for an appointment, what is the current wait time for a first specialist appointment for patients with gallbladder issues? After the first specialist appointment is completed and surgery approved for gallbladder removal, what is the current wait time for the surgery to be completed? What steps is the CDHB undertaking to ensure that patients are seen (first specialist appointment) within four months of referral?
Endometriosis / Back pain / Orthopaedic wait times
The impact of Covid-19 lockdowns and restrictions on cervical cancer screenings and treatments.
Last five years, number of young women under 25 / hysterectomy. How many accepted and how many declined. Criteria for women under 25 to be eligible for hysterectomy.
Can you please provide the number of people on the waiting list for psychiatric services, including eating disorder services, by DHB, as at 20 March 2021?
Information about Specialist Mental Health Services provided during January to April 2021.
For each cardiac procedure (stent, ECG, Echo, open heart surgery etc), for the years 2018 and 2019 by year, the following information:
Percentage coverage for diabetic retinal screening (i.e. the proportion of people with diabetes who have had a retinal screen within the last two years, or other reporting period)?
For each of the last four years:
For 2020, re Diabetes Services:
For the last six years:
Surgery threshold for: Endometriosis laparoscopic surgery, Knee replacement, hip replacement and whether any surgery thresholds have changed in the last five years at your DHB?
Can this include what the threshold change was and for what surgery.
CDHB - Waiting list GP referrals and waiting list for surgery for the following:
Could you please provide the length of time for patients on the waiting list who was referred in the Canterbury region for the following:
Could you please provide the average wait time for patients being treated with the following cancers:
Information regarding colonoscopy waiting lists and referrals 2018-2020
Ophthalmology referrals, wait times, procedures, and services.
Orthopaedic patients wait times Canterbury.
Breast reconstruction wait lists 2019/2020.
Total number of patients referred to and seen by Medical Oncology and Radiation Oncology specialities within specified time.
As at February 2015 could you please supply the waiting list time if someone wanted to have a MRI/CT scan. (That is, if someone was referred for a scan how long was the wait time before they were seen?)
Public waitlist for a hysterectomy from first referral from Gynaecological specialist to first hosp appointment in last 12 months.
Ophthalmology wait list, breakdown of how long these patients have been waiting.
Current waitlist for people accessing counselling through a DHB funded primary health care or community provider i.e. Brief Intervention Counselling. Broken down into men, women, age.
Showing 1-40 of 59 results, page 1 of 2.
Page last updated: 15 September 2022
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