A copy of:
1. Mental Health Act Section 8 Form: application form for any person to fill out.
2. Mental Health Act Section 8B Form: medical certificate form
Policy, procedures, standards, statements and information on the diagnosis, treatment and provision of social supports for numerous mental disorders.
Mental Health Compulsory Assessment and Treatment Act 1992.
Policies, guidelines and ethics re Mental Health assessments and treatment under the Mental Health Act.
I've heard there are a few patients that have been hospitalised for more than month.
If there are any other details that can be provided too (eg. age, ethnicity, sex) that would be appreciated.
Please provide a breakdown of all emergency admission (presentations) numbers in 2020 and 2021, broken down by month. Please include a categorisation of the types of admission (presentation) also.
Please indicate what is your exact procedure for determining that hospital admissions in this current time are in fact directly due to Covid-19.
i.e. are you testing people who are admitting themselves for something non respiratory related and if they test positive after admission for sars cov 2 are you listing it as a covid admission regardless ?
i.e. people who are admitted for something respiratory related that is later diagnosed as not sars cov 2, are you indicating them as covid hospitalisations if they return a positive test during admission.
Treatment protocols: Post-Operative Urinary retention, persistent postsurgical pain, treatment of patients after a suicide attempt or suicidal ideation and constipation
ED / Emergency Department admissions 2020 and 2021 broken down by month and types of admissions.
How many individuals in New Zealand had full open-heart surgery as a child (<16) and subsequently went on to become pregnant and give birth.
Data sharing at DHBs and PHOs / privacy officer / patient consent for data sharing / what we share, who we share it with.
Solicitor seeking access to any records for patient on behalf of step child and grandchildren.
Publication of DHB Intranet policies, protocols, best practice documents to be published online. IANZ accreditation for Labs.
Has each respective DHB and GP implemented an electronic health record?
DHB hosted clinical drug trials 2017 / 2018 and ongoing trials in 2019
Does the DHB have a policy in place regarding the use of smartphones apps for recording and sharing of clinical patient information?
Showing 1-22 of 22 results, page 1 of 1.
Page last updated: 13 July 2022
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