The Canterbury DHB Annual Report 2021/2022 allows us to report on the progress we have made over the year towards achieving the key objectives set out in our Statement of Intent.
Use of Trust / donated funds held in respect of the Ashburton Hospital and Tuarangi Home both of which are in Ashburton.
In each of the financial years ended June 30 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015 were Health Partners Consulting engaged by the DHB to undertake any reviews, projects or other activities or work, what was the purpose of each review, project, or other activity or work, and how much was paid to Health Partners Consulting for each review, project, or other activity or work?
HNZ Waitaha Canterbury purchase order terms and conditions for suppliers reference.
Names, tenure details of elected and appointed board members.
Donations and bequests to DHB past five years.
The impact on revenue for a hospital/DHB that is caused by an operating theatre being closed for a period of time. Can you please provide the average revenue that an operating theatre brings in per year? If that is too difficult, can you please provide the total operating theatre revenue for CDHB and the total amount of operating rooms?
Number of women referred to Maternal Mental Health in 2021 and number accepted. Current wait times for maternal mental health.
Correspondence re St George's maternity / birthing / post-natal services August 2021 to 29/03/2022 and a copy of the contract.
Information about the St George's Hospital maternity services contract with Canterbury DHB.
Services provides by Ernst & Young 2014 - 2021.
The Canterbury DHB Annual Report 2020/2021 allows us to report on the progress we have made over the year towards achieving the key objectives set out in our Statement of Intent.
Amount paid to RMO locums hired through agencies or bureaus outside of the management of District Health Board (i.e. not including casual employees of the District Health Board) in the period 1 April 2020 to 31 March 2021 and 1 April 2021 to 31 October 2021.
COVID-19 - The total cost of every set-up including contractors, security, workforce, hireage, purchases, administration, equipment, computer connections, stationery and any other expense associated with these checkpoints at all hospitals and any other facilities.
Over the last 5 years what are the names of contractors, who have worked for longer than one year, in a DHBs tier 1,2 or 3 management position, and what was the daily or weekly or year rate paid to each of these contractors?
Follow up to CDHB 10639:
Part 1: In the post-earthquake environment in Canterbury, the Charity Hospital offered its services to the CDHB, an offer that was declined. Would you please provide copies of CDHB minutes or extracts from those minutes at which this offer/s was discussed both internally and with Charity Hospital representatives and the specific reason/s why the offer/s were declined?
Part 2 (a) Is it the policy of the CDHB to discourage staff from volunteering at the Charity Hospital, instead preferring that they undertake contract work at private fee-charging hospitals? If so, would you please provide me with copies of documents which contain that policy.
Part 2 (b) Is it instead the policy of the CDHB to encourage staff to volunteer at the Charity Hospital and if so on what conditions? Would you please provide me with copies of documents which contain this information?
With yet more reports appearing in The Press about the crisis that the CDHB is facing in the delivery of public healthcare, apart from surgical procedures being outsourced at considerable cost to the CDHB each year, given that Christchurch has New Zealand's first genuine charity hospital founded by Dr Bagshaw (St George's Hospital is a fee-charging society with charitable purposes while the Charity Hospital does not charge for its services),
Can you please provide me with details of contractors/non FTE staff you have working under the funding and planning, and the IT department?
Function: gender date started at DHB date when IT account was setup, hourly rate P&F or IT M/F dd/mm/yyyy dd/mm/yyyy $xxx
EY Taskforce Programme Support Phase 2
Total number of patients with Crohn's disease of ulcerative colitis to receive biologic treatments (infliximab, adalumimab) between 2016 and 2020 inclusive who were:
The amount of money your department /organisation has spent on the hiring of external contractors in the 2020/2021 financial year.
Could you also provide details of every contract over $10,000, including who/ which firm was hired, to do what job, and over how long of a period.
RE Alma Consulting Ltd / contractors employed to find significant savings at CDHB.
RE the original ALMA Consulting Contract: (Commenced 15 February 2021 for 3 months:)
A summary of the costs of hospital intensive care services provided to those not entitled to NZ free health care (ineligible patients). The cost summary should include reference to the number of days or hours in intensive care. Information to cover the last three years.
Hospital pathology service contracts past and present.
CDHB Annual Plans: Would you please provide me with copies of those up to and including 2007/2008, either electronically or by hard copy mailed to my home address.
Can I please receive the names and roles of CDHB staff who were interviewed for this Kings Fund report (if any current staff were)?
Finance / Consultants: Peter Bramley mentioned at the Board Meeting he had appointed consultants to help the DHB identify savings. Can you let me know:
- the name of the consultants / - the term of the contract / - the budget for this work
Gifts given to children admitted to hospital.
I have been told that in 2020 the CDHB spent around $375,000 on an audit to find out why the organisation had gone over budget for the year.
Please can you advise on the total spent on temporary casual / bank and agency workers by the District in the periods Financial Year 18/19 and 19/20. Your response should be broken down by professional group and financial year.
Information regarding being a "Living Wage Employer":
Information pertaining to the amount of funds paid by your Agency/ Organisation / Department / Ministry directly to victims of the March 15 2019 terror attacks on the two Christchurch Mosques.
Corporate Office - salaries, consultants employed in past year, amount spent on IT projects.
Funding if any provided to PIPS (Pregnancy Infancy Parenting Support). Criteria for allowing members of pregnancy support groups to provide counselling or advice to DHB patients.
Showing 1-40 of 161 results, page 1 of 5.
Page last updated: 23 March 2023
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