E ngā iwi, e ngā mana, e ngā karangatanga maha huri noa o Aotearoa nei, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou katoa! Kei te rere taiāwhiowhio tonu te mihi aroha ki ō tātou tini aituā; rātou ki a rātou o te tai awatea, ā, ko tātou ki a tatou kei te whaimuri i te tai ahiahi. Nā reira, tēnā anō tātou katoa!
Whakamaua: Māori Health Action Plan 2020–2025 (Whakamaua) provides a roadmap of tangible actions that contribute to achieving the vision of pae ora for Māori. The release of Whakamaua, which will guide the implementation of He Korowai Oranga, bridges a gap that has existed since the completion of Whakatātaka Tuarua 2006–2011, the Ministry’s previous Māori health action plan.
Covid-19 vaccination programmes and planning for Māori:
Funding for Maori and Pacific communities in COVID vaccine rollout
Immunisations for Maori and Pacific children / vaccine hesitancy including in relation to the Covid vaccine.
Re Mental Health Act 1992:
How many Māori and Pacific Island women (both as a figure and a percentage) received publicly funded fertility treatment through the DHB over the past two years.
For Māori and non-Māori referred to MH Services: referral numbers for each service, psychiatric diagnoses / how many engaged with a psychologist / number prescribed medication.
All Mana Ake KPIs. Who is the project owner for Mana Ake in Canterbury? What governance meetings are held? When are the next three scheduled? Who chairs this meeting. All Terms of Reference associated with mana ake?
Mana Ake: Please send me through the operational policy document (or equivalent) that outlines the permissions you require in order to share information at different stages in the on boarding process.
Does the Board have a policy to prioritise Māori and/or Pasifika patients on elective surgery waiting lists? Pressures of deferred surgery due to COVID-19?
About Māori Mental Health services and Psychologists
A copy of all memorandum(s) of understanding and or agreements established between the Canterbury District Health Board and Ngāi Tahu Iwi and the administrative event chronology timeline of such.
The percentages of Māori who have had a colonoscopy in the past year as compared with the percentage of Māori in local population.
Maori health providers currently being funded, services provided and annual funding 2012/13-2017/18.
Request for information regarding the Waitangi Tribunal Research Report on disabled Māori.
HQSC data released indicating that Canterbury DHB had 26 suspected suicides for the 2016/2017 year.
The Canterbury DHB Māori Health Action Plan outlines the key activities that will be undertaken across the Canterbury health system to improve Māori Health outcomes, along with associated measures and performance targets.
The Canterbury DHB Māori Health Action Plan outlines the key activities that will be undertaken across the Canterbury health system to improve Māori Health outcomes, along with associated measures and performance targets.
The Canterbury DHB Māori Health Action Plan outlines the key activities that will be undertaken across the Canterbury health system to improve Māori Health outcomes, along with associated measures and performance targets.
The Canterbury DHB Māori Health Action Plan outlines the key activities that will be undertaken across the Canterbury health system to improve Māori Health outcomes, along with associated measures and performance targets.
The Canterbury DHB Māori Health Action Plan outlines the key activities that will be undertaken across the Canterbury health system to improve Māori Health outcomes, along with associated measures and performance targets.
The Canterbury DHB Māori Health Action Plan outlines the key activities that will be undertaken across the Canterbury health system to improve Māori Health outcomes, along with associated measures and performance targets.
The Canterbury DHB Māori Health Action Plan outlines the key activities that will be undertaken across the Canterbury health system to improve Māori Health outcomes, along with associated measures and performance targets.
Showing 1-25 of 25 results, page 1 of 1.
Page last updated: 15 August 2022
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