The Maternity Quality and Safety Programme (MQSP) Annual Report is published each year and submitted to Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora
We know that patient experience is a good indicator of the quality of our health services. Better experience, stronger partnerships with consumers, patient and family-centred care have been linked to improved health, clinical, financial, service and care outcomes. Patient feedback is used by our teams to monitor and improve the care we provide.
Understanding how people experience healthcare gives us valuable insight and an opportunity to celebrate our success, do more of what we are doing well and to find ways of how we can do better.
Every fortnight we invite patients who have spent at least one night in hospital or have attended an outpatient appointment to participate in our patient experience survey. An invitation to participate in the survey is delivered via email or a link in a text message. Taking part is voluntary.
If you receive an electronic invite – please complete it! We really value your time to provide us with feedback. Be assured your responses are completely anonymous.
We know that patient experience is a good indicator of the quality of our health services. Better experience, stronger partnerships with consumers, patient and family-centred care have been linked to improved health, clinical, financial, service and care outcomes. Patient feedback is used by our teams to monitor and improve the care we provide.
Understanding how people experience healthcare gives us valuable insight and an opportunity to celebrate our success, do more of what we are doing well and to find ways of how we can do better.
Every fortnight we invite patients who have spent at least one night in hospital or have attended an outpatient appointment to participate in our patient experience survey. An invitation to participate in the survey is delivered via email or a link in a text message. Taking part is voluntary.
If you receive an electronic invite – please complete it! We really value your time to provide us with feedback. Be assured your responses are completely anonymous.
The Maternity Quality and Safety Programme (MQSP) Annual Report is published each year and submitted to the Ministry of Health.
We know that patient experience is a good indicator of the quality of our health services. Better experience, stronger partnerships with consumers, patient and family-centred care have been linked to improved health, clinical, financial, service and care outcomes. Patient feedback is used by our teams to monitor and improve the care we provide.
Understanding how people experience healthcare gives us valuable insight and an opportunity to celebrate our success, do more of what we are doing well and to find ways of how we can do better.
Every fortnight we invite patients who have spent at least one night in hospital or have attended an outpatient appointment to participate in our patient experience survey. An invitation to participate in the survey is delivered via email or a link in a text message. Taking part is voluntary.
If you receive an electronic invite – please complete it! We really value your time to provide us with feedback. Be assured your responses are completely anonymous.
We know that patient experience is a good indicator of the quality of our health services. Better experience, stronger partnerships with consumers, patient and family-centred care have been linked to improved health, clinical, financial, service and care outcomes. Patient feedback is used by our teams to monitor and improve the care we provide.
Understanding how people experience healthcare gives us valuable insight and an opportunity to celebrate our success, do more of what we are doing well and to find ways of how we can do better.
Every fortnight we invite patients who have spent at least one night in hospital or have attended an outpatient appointment to participate in our patient experience survey. An invitation to participate in the survey is delivered via email or a link in a text message. Taking part is voluntary.
If you receive an electronic invite – please complete it! We really value your time to provide us with feedback. Be assured your responses are completely anonymous.
For the first six months of 2022:
Time from birth to discharge for most recent month.
Number of women referred to Maternal Mental Health in 2021 and number accepted. Current wait times for maternal mental health.
Correspondence re St George's maternity / birthing / post-natal services August 2021 to 29/03/2022 and a copy of the contract.
From each year ending: 2019/2020/2021.
Information about the St George's Hospital maternity services contract with Canterbury DHB.
How referrals for trans vaginal ultrasound scans are treated.
Follow up to CDHB 10746 Fetal deaths and neonatal deaths.
Medical Certificate of Causes of Fetal and Neonatal Death' forms that have been filled out, per month, since June 2020 to date in your District Health Board area. (Ministry of Health web page reference: )
How many individuals in New Zealand had full open-heart surgery as a child (<16) and subsequently went on to become pregnant and give birth.
We know that patient experience is a good indicator of the quality of our health services. Better experience, stronger partnerships with consumers, patient and family-centred care have been linked to improved health, clinical, financial, service and care outcomes. Patient feedback is used by our teams to monitor and improve the care we provide.
Understanding how people experience healthcare gives us valuable insight and an opportunity to celebrate our success, do more of what we are doing well and to find ways of how we can do better.
Every fortnight we invite patients who have spent at least one night in hospital or have attended an outpatient appointment to participate in our patient experience survey. An invitation to participate in the survey is delivered via email or a link in a text message. Taking part is voluntary.
If you receive an electronic invite – please complete it! We really value your time to provide us with feedback. Be assured your responses are completely anonymous.
The Maternity Quality and Safety Programme (MQSP) Annual Report is published each year and submitted to the Ministry of Health.
RE Intersex babies: How many intersex children have had genital surgery within their first year of life? (Could I have this info from 2016-2021 broken down into the number each year and the overall number for the ast five years / whether or not the surgery was medically necessary or whether it was cosmetic, the gender of the child as recorded on their birth certificate and the total cost per year of the surgeries. 2. How many referrals have been made to other DHBs for intersex babies in their first year of life for surgery, last five years, broken down into the number each year and the overall number 2016-2021
Funding if any provided to PIPS (Pregnancy Infancy Parenting Support). Criteria for allowing members of pregnancy support groups to provide counselling or advice to DHB patients.
Correspondence between Norma Campbell and CoM, EMT & Sir John Hansen on primary birthing unit & endoscopy site since June 2019.
How many Māori and Pacific Island women (both as a figure and a percentage) received publicly funded fertility treatment through the DHB over the past two years.
All and any reports and correspondence re new primary birthing unit in Rolleston and/or central Christchurch in the past three years.
Postnatal care:
Age of youngest and oldest woman to give birth at DHB facilities each year 2017 - 2020 YTD.
Maternity - What are the additional costs associated with increasing cot capacity above budget? Cost of sending a woman away to give birth, including flights - over last five years. Comparing cost of sending a woman away to give birth and cost of increasing capacity, which one is cheapest?
RE capacity issues in NICU - any correspondence or reports from NICU clinical staff to the CDHB or senior management concerning capacity issues at NICU from 2020.
Reports of concern to Oranga Tamariki - Policies and procedures
Babies born on May 14, 1981
Genea Oxford Fertility's concerns about the RFP process for 'Assisted Reproductive Technology Services' for South Island and decision reached by CDHB.
The number of births at Canterbury District Health Board facilities and home births during the nationwide coronavirus lockdown from March 25 to April 27. Can this information be broken down by location: at Christchurch Hospital, Christchurch Women's Hospital, Ashburton Hospital, Darfield Hospital, Kaikōura Health, Lincoln Maternity Hospital, Rangiora Health Hub, other CDHB facilities, or a home birth, and by date and sex. Can figures also be provided for the same period in 2019.
The Maternity Quality and Safety Programme (MQSP) Annual Report is published each year and submitted to the Ministry of Health.
The Canterbury Maternity Strategy, also known as the Canterbury Maternity System Strategic Framework 2019-2024 puts māmā and pēpi at the centre of what we do and what we want to achieve.
The vision statement within the strategy states that Canterbury maternity services provide for the maternity needs of all māmā and whānau as and when needed during their maternity journey in order to enable the best start to life for all pēpi and the ongoing wellbeing of mothers. The strategy also contains statements about our values and provides details about the framework to be used by Canterbury maternity services.
Information about drug use of mothers with babies
In the last three years how many women who have undergone gender affirmation surgery who have given birth as a man after the surgery?
Information about Maternity services staffing in Canterbury.
How often have expectant mothers and or newborn babies been transferred to DHBs outside Canterbury?
Current rates of Caesarean section in Canterbury 2018. Unplanned or emergency caesarean section 2018. Total number of registered live births in Canterbury 2018.
Showing 1-40 of 55 results, page 1 of 2.
Page last updated: 23 January 2025
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