What happens to the DHB from the 1 July with the new Health NZ coming?
Policies and documents relating to the Integrated Pharmacy Services Agreement.
Transcript of all Canterbury DHB Board meetings with regards to the closure of rural hospitals in the Canterbury District.
CDHB Annual Plans: Would you please provide me with copies of those up to and including 2007/2008, either electronically or by hard copy mailed to my home address.
RE 2019/20 Annual Plan:
A copy of all memorandum(s) of understanding and or agreements established between the Canterbury District Health Board and Ngāi Tahu Iwi and the administrative event chronology timeline of such.
Communications/correspondence between the Canterbury DHB clinicians and Board over the last six months.
The Pacific Plan recognises our commitment as an organisation to work in partnership with Pacific communities and families to improve health outcomes and ensure our collective vision of “Prosperous and Healthy Pacific Families in Canterbury” is achieved.
The Canterbury DHB Long Term Investment Plan outlines our investment approach to meeting anticipated demand on the Canterbury Health System over the next ten years.
Elective surgery impact post white island incident between 9 Dec and 1 Feb 2020
About the Canterbury DHB's Long Term Investment Plan.
List and details of capital expenditure for the last ten years.
Cost of outsourcing surgery to private theatres from June 2018 to January 2020.
Documentation regarding the cost implications of the CREST proposal. Correspondence between DHB and Providers re CREST.
A copy of the current risk register for each DHB, and copies of any summary briefings, memos or correspondence related to the current risk register items.
Information about the health response to the terror attacks in Christchurch during March 2019.
On Friday 15 March 2019, two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, were attacked by one shooter. To date, 51 people have died from their injuries. Forty-five people were hospitalised on the day of the shooting, and 118 people were treated or admitted by Canterbury DHB in relation to the incident (as at 7 May 2019).
A rapid literature review undertaken suggests that mass shootings are more intensely traumatic than other disasters, but that the majority of those affected by mass shootings will be resilient.
Copy of draft wellbeing and mental health plan to respond to the Christchurch Mosque attacks.
Is preparing strategic plan a statutory obligation. Please explain more detail on this issue.
The current and any proposed transport / road plan for Christchurch Hospital
Psychologists, APEX. MECA, CPD allowance spent
Current and proposed Community Pharmacy Services, scoping, modelling or planning documents.
Showing 1-25 of 25 results, page 1 of 1.
Page last updated: 11 August 2022
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