Any and all advice, briefings, reports, aides memoire, memos and emails sent/received by CDHB employees - leading up to, from January 2022 and following a police incident (stabbing/murder) end of September or closest to 26/9 in Sockburn on Saturday 25th June 2022.
All briefings to the Minister of Health, and any Ministry of Health staff member about the forensic mental health service since January 19, 2022.
How many patients from the same secure unit where the man accused of murder on Saturday are/have been granted community leave, and what assessment is done before this kind of leave is granted?
Follow up to response 10895 - re assaults by patients on staff.
RE the stabbing/murder in Sockburn on 25/06/2022 - request any and all advice, briefings, reports, aides memoire, memos and emails sent/received by CDHB employees - leading up to, and following a police incident (stabbing/murder) in Sockburn on Saturday 25th June.
Information about the murder incident on 25/06/2022.
Staff physically assaulted by patients in past year. Of those how many were off work for more than 20 days? How many resulted in an ACC claim.
Staff investigations of assaults on patients i.e. staff fired, investigated and resigning before being fired / criminal charges being laid / withdrawn by victim? Time frame "All DHB records".
The number of assaults on staff for years 2018,2019,2020,2021,2022 (to current date)
Healthcare Waste / Volumes of hazardous and controlled waste and number of surgeries completed broken down by site (ChCh Hosp and Burwood) for last ten years.
As of Feb 14 2022 how many people have been waiting longer than clinically recommended for radiation treatment?
Canterbury DHB Quality Markers aim to provide readers with a snapshot of how we monitor quality and safety using the Health Quality and Safety Commission Markers and Patient Experience Survey feedback. It reinforces our vision of an integrated Canterbury Health System by showcasing examples of what we are doing well and what we need to improve.
Policies on Mask Mandates for Employees and contractors.
Date/numbers/figures of all incidents involving any DHB staff member (including contractors or causal workers) being harassed or, physically or verbally assaulted by a patient from any ward/area under the DHB’s jurisdiction in the last three years to date (07/12/2017 – 07/12/2020).
A serious adverse event (SAE) is one which has resulted in significant additional treatment, major loss of function, is life threatening or has led to an unexpected death.
Fit Testing Problems: What was the % of workers across the whole of the DHB who had received fit testing in the previous 12 months? What are the actual numbers for each DHB? (are some DHBs performing better than others?
Correspondence regarding the resignation of Sue Nightingale.
Copies of any reports, documents, briefings or correspondence that include or summarise feedback from DHB staff sent to work at Rosewood rest home.
Assaults last 3 years: Mental Health workers, ED workers, Maternity workers, Health workers.
Policies in regards to reporting unsafe, harmful, criminal behaviour, including the re-routing and interception of private communications, and policies on how they document such incidents and how they are to safeguard against such incidents
All correspondence received and sent by Dan Coward and received and sent by Sue Nightingale about Rosewood rest home, between April 3 and April 10, inclusive.
A detailed breakdown of any and all incidents relating to equipment not being properly sterilised by the District Health Board from March 2019.
Please clarify if the lack of sterilisation was picked up before or after patient exposure.
Copies of any reports, documents, memoranda, or correspondence regarding the number of issues regarding safe practice at Rosewood Rest home and that took place after staff and patients contracted Covid-19.
Copies of any reports, documents, memoranda, or correspondence regarding the decision to appoint an acting manager to Rosewood Rest home.
Information regarding sexual harassment complaints, internal and external investigations.
Reports, meetings, agendas and letters shared between the DHB and NZNO on bullying and harassment in the 2018 / 2019 financial year.
Bullying, harassment or other complaints laid by staff over the past five years.
The total number of assaults recorded by the CDHB over the past five years.
A serious adverse event (SAE) is one which has resulted in significant additional treatment, major loss of function, is life threatening or has led to an unexpected death.
Since January 2015 how many staff from Hillmorton Hospital have taken leave on ACC as a result of assaults by patients?
Showing 1-40 of 78 results, page 1 of 2.
Page last updated: 21 December 2022
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