All hospital visitors are encouraged to wear a medical face mask. Expand this message for information about visiting hospital. 

Last updated:
31 October 2024

Some visitor restrictions for all Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora Waitaha Canterbury hospitals and health facilities remain in place, but we have relaxed others.

There is still a heightened risk to vulnerable people in hospital and we encourage all people wear a mask when visiting any of our facilities and follow other advice designed to keep patients, staff and visitors safe.

To keep everybody safe:

  • Visitors or support people are advised to not visit our facilities if they are unwell. We advise that you do not visit if you have recently tested positive for COVID-19 and haven’t completed your isolation period.
  • Patients may have more than one visitor, except in some situations such as multi-bed rooms where it can cause overcrowding.
  • Surgical/medical masks are encouraged to be worn at all sites. Masks will be provided if you don’t have one.
  • Please practice hand hygiene with provided alcohol-based hand rub/gel

Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding as our staff work hard to protect and care for some of the most vulnerable in our community.

Visiting patients with COVID-19

  • People can visit patients who have COVID-19 but they must wear a surgical mask as a minimum – please use surgical masks provided.

All of our Hospitals

Visiting hours for our hospitals have returned to pre COVID-19 hours.

All visitors are encouraged to wear a medical face mask.

Parents/caregivers can be with their child in hospital and visitors are now allowed, except for the Children’s Haematology and Oncology Day stay where visitor restrictions might apply.

Patients and visitors can also read the additional COVID-19 related visiting guidelines .


42 documents.

Correspondence regarding patient and Sockburn murder in June 2022

Any and all advice, briefings, reports, aides memoire, memos and emails sent/received by CDHB employees - leading up to, from January 2022 and following a police incident (stabbing/murder) end of September or closest to 26/9 in Sockburn on Saturday 25th June 2022.


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MoH briefings regarding SMHS Forensic Service since 19 January 2022

All briefings to the Minister of Health, and any Ministry of Health staff member about the forensic mental health service since January 19, 2022.


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SMHS Forensic Service – Community Leave

  • All correspondence, briefings and reports to and from the CDHB about the forensic mental health service at Hillmorton Hospital.
  • Can I also please have the total number of times the murder accused was allowed on grounds leave and community leave.


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Complaints of verbal sexual harassment from a patient towards another patient

  • How many complaints of verbal sexual harassment from a patient towards another patient Canterbury DHB/West Coast DHB has received in 2022, as well as the total number of complaints for this in 2021.
  • How many complaints of unwanted touch from a patient towards another patient Canterbury DHB/West Coast DHB has received in 2022, as well as the total number of complaints for this in 2021.
  • Can the number of complaints for both situations and years please be broken down by Grey Base Hospital, Christchurch Hospital, Christchurch Women’s Hospital and Ashburton Hospital.


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Mental health assessment for community leave

How many patients from the same secure unit where the man accused of murder on Saturday are/have been granted community leave, and what assessment is done before this kind of leave is granted?


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Assaults on staff, details about units where staff were assaulted 2020-22

Follow up to response 10895 - re assaults by patients on staff.

  • Can you please provide the actual numbers for each unit?
  • Can you provide the same data for the previous year?


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RE Sockburn murder and Hillmorton Hospital

RE the stabbing/murder in Sockburn on 25/06/2022 - request any and all advice, briefings, reports, aides memoire, memos and emails sent/received by CDHB employees - leading up to, and following a police incident (stabbing/murder) in Sockburn on Saturday 25th June.


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RE: Murder accused and the incident on 25 June 2022

Information about the murder incident on 25/06/2022.


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Assaults on staff 2021 to 2022

Staff physically assaulted by patients in past year. Of those how many were off work for more than 20 days? How many resulted in an ACC claim.


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Staff investigations of assaults on patients

Staff investigations of assaults on patients i.e. staff fired, investigated and resigning before being fired / criminal charges being laid / withdrawn by victim? Time frame "All DHB records".


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Assaults on staff 2018 to 2022

The number of assaults on staff for years 2018,2019,2020,2021,2022 (to current date)


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Mental health staffing

  • Out of the total 627 budgeted nursing roles in Canterbury DHB's specialist mental services, how many staff members short of this total was the DHB in:
    • November 2021,
    • December 2021,
    • January 2022,
    • February 2022,
  • In Christchurch's forensic mental health unit, how many of the unit's total staff members have left the unit in the twelve months to January 2022?
  • In the 12 months to January 2022, how many staff members were physically assaulted by patients in the forensics unit?
  • Of these assaults, how many days did each staff member have to take off work?
  • How many of these assaults resulted in an ACC claim?
  • What is the total number of staff in Christchurch's crisis resolution team?
  • How many staff members in the crisis resolution team have left each year in the five years to 2021 (2016 - 2021)?


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Violence against healthcare staff

  • Rise in aggression and violence against nurses (AVAN).
  • The number of incidents related to nurses, midwives and health care assistants being abused, harassed or physically assaulted/ attacked at their workplace since 1 Jan 2017 to date, broken down by location and calendar year.
  • Brief description of the incidents and what the incidents related to e.g. verbal abuse, physical assault, sexual assault, physical threat or otherwise
  • How many ‘code orange’* events that occurred? Brief description of the events
  • Where did the incidents happen? e.g. the emergency department, mental health/addictions, obstetrics?
  • How many incidents were notified to WorkSafe?
  • How many incidents required police interventions e.g. Police report, statements from DHB employees?
  • How many incidents required an ACC claim?
  • How many incidents resulted in working days lost? And if so, how many?


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Assaults on staff in 2021

  • How many recorded assaults on health staff have there been in 2021?
  • How many recorded incidents of verbal abuse or threats have there been on health staff in 2021?
  • How many days have been lost due to staff taking time off after being assaulted in the same time frame?


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Incidents involving staff members 2017- 2020

Date/numbers/figures of all incidents involving any DHB staff member (including contractors or causal workers) being harassed or, physically or verbally assaulted by a patient from any ward/area under the DHB’s jurisdiction in the last three years to date (07/12/2017 – 07/12/2020).


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Safety and security of maternity patients

  • How many women gave birth at Christchurch Women's Hospital because there were concerns for her safety?
  • Can you provide a breakdown of those women by age and ethnicity?
  • How many women booked to give birth at Christchurch Women's Hospital were supported with a safety plan for their birth as part of the Integrated Safety Response? 
  • Can you provide a breakdown of those women by age and ethnicity?
  • How many times were security called to respond to a perceived/real threat of violence to a woman at Christchurch Women's Hospital before/during/after giving birth there?


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Items stolen from DHB hospitals in last 5 years

Total value of items belonging to DHB believed to have been stolen from your hospitals over the last five financial years. For the last financial year - what are the top five most stolen items.


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Assaults on staff in the last three years

Assaults last 3 years: Mental Health workers, ED workers, Maternity workers, Health workers.


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Policies regarding preventing access to private health information

Policies in regards to reporting unsafe, harmful, criminal behaviour, including the re-routing and interception of private communications, and policies on how they document such incidents and how they are to safeguard against such incidents


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Impersonation of doctors and unauthorised access to health facilities

  • Total number of incidents involving an allegation that a member of the public had impersonated a physician 1/5/2019 - 31/8/2019.
  • Total number of incidents involving an allegation that a member of the public had gained unauthorised access to a surgical theatre or pathology lab 1/5/2019 - 13/8/2019.
  • Total number of incidents involving an allegation that a DHB employee had engaged in the interception of private email communications between a patient and a DHB employee between 1/1/2019 and 29/5/2020.


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Sexual harassment complaints

Information regarding sexual harassment complaints, internal and external investigations.


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Number of assaults recorded in the past five years

The total number of assaults recorded by the CDHB over the past five years.


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Hillmorton Hospital staff on ACC following assaults

Since January 2015 how many staff from Hillmorton Hospital have taken leave on ACC as a result of assaults by patients?


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Serious assaults on security guards

All information held by DHB which pertains to serious assaults on security guards in the last twelve months.


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Mobility parking at Christchurch Hospital

How many vehicles have been towed from this area by the Canterbury DHB over the last five years?


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Issues with patients or visitors who are intoxicated

On how many occasions have police or security been called to help contain issues with patients or visitors who were believed to be impaired by alcohol? Number of staff reporting abuse, harassment or physical assault by patients or people visiting suspected of being under the influence of alcohol?


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Assaults against nurses 2015-2018

Assaults each year against nursing staff only, broken down by year from 2015-2018


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Staff incidents at Hillmorton Hospital

All information related to staff incidents at Hillmorton Hospital over the last three financial years.


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Staff assaults

Number of staff assaulted, harassed, injured by patients 2016-2019.


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Assaults on CDHB staff in the last three years

The number of assaults on Canterbury District Health Board staff last three years.


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Staff assaults at Hillmorton Hospital

Staff assaults at Hillmorton Hospital over last three years


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SMHS patient locked in maintenance shed overnight

Information about the Specialist Mental Health Services incident involving a patient at Hillmorton Hospital being locked overnight in a maintenance shed in December 2018.


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Assaults on Hospital staff by patients from 2013 to 2017

The number of assaults on Hospital staff by patients from 2013 to 2017


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Internal protocols for patients who disclose that they are the victim of a sexual assault

Canterbury District Health Board's internal protocols in regard to the treatment of patients who disclose that they are the victim of a sexual assault to a Canterbury DHB staff member at
ChCh Hospital


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State Services Commission Inquiry into the Use of External Security Consultants

State Services Commissioner request for information regarding the use of external security consultants by Canterbury DHB.


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Financial losses due to theft at Canterbury DHB Hospitals

The total financial losses recorded due to theft at Canterbury DHB Hospital sites last three financial years.


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Complaints regarding bullying, sexual harassment, assault in the last 3 years

All information re complaints made over last three years: Complaints: Patients against Staff, Staff against Patients and Staff against Staff.


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Assaults and incidents of harassment against CDHB staff from 2013 to 2018

The number of assaults and incidents of sexual harassment against Canterbury DHB staff from 2013 to 2018


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Sexual assault complaints and sexual harassment complaints made by staff (2013-2017) Correction

Sexual Assault Complaints and Sexual Harassment Complaints made by staff over the past five years (2013-2017).


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Sexual assault complaints and sexual harassment complaints made by staff (2013-2017)

Sexual Assault Complaints and Sexual Harassment Complaints made by staff over the past five years (2013-2017).


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Showing 1-40 of 42 results, page 1 of 2.

Page last updated: 21 December 2022

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