Can I bring flowers for patients in hospital?
It is not possible to have flowers in some hospital wards/areas. If you are thinking of purchasing flowers at Christchurch Hospital or Burwood Hospital please ask the hospital volunteers in the volunteer gift shops first.
Hospital gift shops also sell flower vouchers, for flowers to be delivered when the patient goes home, and other gifts are also available instead of flowers.
Christchurch Hospital
Flowers and potted plants are NOT ALLOWED in the following wards and units:
- Ward 10
- Ward 11
- Ward 14
- Ward 18
- Ward 20
- Ward 24
- Ward 25
- Ward A3, Waipapa – General Surgery and Gastroenterology, Surgical Progressive Care Unit (SPCU)
- Ward A4, Waipapa – Orthopaedics and Trauma Unit
- Ward A5, Waipapa – General Surgery
- Ward A8, Waipapa – Vascular Surgery and Acute Stroke Unit (ASU)
- Ward B3, Waipapa – General Surgery and SARA
- Ward B4, Waipapa – Orthopaedics
- Ward B8, Waipapa – Nephrology and Neurosurgery
- BMTU (Bone Marrow Transplant Unit)
- CHOC (Children’s Haematology and Oncology)
- CICU (Cardiothoracic Intensive Care Unit)
- DOSA (Day-of-Surgery Admission)
- DSU (Day Surgery Unit)
- ICU (Intensive Care Unit)
- Medical Assessment Unit (MA) formerly known as AMAU (Acute Medical Assessment Unit)
- PHDU (Paediatric High Dependency Unit)
- UU (Urology Unit)
Christchurch Women's Hospital and Maternity Units
Flowers and potted plants are NOT ALLOWED in any wards in Christchurch Women’s Hospital. This includes the Maternity Ward and Birthing Suite and all Community Maternity Units at Rangiora, Rolleston, Ashburton and Kaikoura.
Burwood Hospital
Flowers and potted plants are NOT ALLOWED in the following wards and units:
- Admitting Unit
- PACU (Post-Anaesthetic Care Unit) (Recovery)
- Progressive Care Unit
- Check with ward staff Ward FG (Spinal Unit) and Ward CG (Brain Injury)
Staff flower deliveries
It is not possible to deliver flowers to staff during work. Staff must collect their flower delivery at the end of their shift on their way home.