CNS's are registered nurses who are recognised clinical experts within their specialty and are based throughout Canterbury DHB campuses.
Phone: 03 364 1804
Provides care/support & ongoing education for children with complex medical conditions who have been in contact with Paediatric Medical and/or Surgical Services at Christchurch Hospital. Services are provided within the community and involve the children's family/whanau, relevant community groups and primary care givers.
The Infection Prevention and Control Service delivers quality infection prevention and control services to minimise the occurrence and spread of infection across the healthcare system. It promotes excellence in IPC practice and strategically deploys its resources to improve safety for patients, staff and visitors to our health care.
Please contact the service if you need advice or information regarding any aspect of Infection Prevention & Control (IPC) via (03) 378 6966 or email:
The Christchurch Nephrology Department provides general nephrology, acute dialysis and chronic dialysis (CAPD and home haemodialysis) as well as a Renal Transplant Service. The Nephrology Department is based at Christchurch Hospital. As Clinical Nurse specialists we work in collaboration with the nephrologists and nursing staff. We provide education, support for staff, patients and their whanua/family. Please feel free to contact any of us for more information or advice.
Referrals are accepted from health professionals internally and externally, contact:
Sleep service administration phone numbers: 03 364 0204 or 03 364 0908 Phone number for therapy patients: 03 364 1089
Meeting times: 07:30am - 08:00am, fourth Thursday of each month.
Christchurch: Respiratory Seminar Room 2nd Floor Riverside
Burwood: via teleconference Dial in 757785
Ashburton: via teleconference Dial in 757785
Chair: Donna Thompson
Term of reference and minutes are available on request from the chair.
Page last updated: 1 June 2023
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