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Oromairaki celebrates the call of Hine-te-iwaiwa, the sighs of motherhood and the cries of new life. Oro means to resound, echo and resonate. It is a sound, a rumble and a note in music. Mairaki is a contraction of mai i te raki – from the heavens.
Te Taumutu Rūnanga gifts the name Oromairaki to the Maternity Suite at the Selwyn Health Hub in recognition of the atua wahine Hine-te-iwaiwa and her role as the goddess of the weaving house and childbirth.
Oromairaki is a contemporary new birthing facility in Selwyn Community, located within the Selwyn Health Hub - Toka Hapāi.
The carefully designed unit offers birthing and postnatal rooms designed to promote your relaxation and normal physiological birth.
Partnering with the local community the unit is set on the first floor of the Selwyn Community hub which provides other primary health services including Pacific Radiology and is located just 50m from St John headquarters.
Oromairaki aligns to the Canterbury Maternity Strategy which is committed to supporting māmā and their whānau to create an environment that will enable their pēpi to have the best start to life, by providing community pregnancy support and birthing options that meet the needs of māmā and pēpi to receive care in the right place and at the right time.
Free pregnancy testing available.
Page last updated: 18 January 2024
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