Friday 20 August 2021Media release1 minute to read
Canterbury DHB is preparing to pilot a drive-thru vaccination clinic for essential workers
Canterbury DHB is preparing to pilot a drive-thru vaccination clinic in the Christchurch Arena car park on Sunday.
Around 120 essential workers have been invited to be vaccinated as part of this weekend’s pilot.
Canterbury COVID-19 vaccination events lead, Dr Satish Mistry, says all drive-thru vaccinations are strictly by appointment only to allow the team to begin to focus on getting our essential workers vaccinated.
“There’s been a huge amount of planning to get a drive-thru clinic set up in such a short amount of time and I’d like to acknowledge the outstanding work of the staff involved.
“It’s fantastic that we’re now in a position to begin to offer protection to our essential workers who continue to do an amazing job on the frontline at all alert levels,” says Satish.
If successful, the drive-thru will open to more essential workers next week. Employers of essential workers are being provided with booking instructions and a booking code allowing their employees to book into the drive-thru event.
Page last updated: 9 September 2021
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