Thursday 13 October 2022Media release2 minutes to read
Te Mana Ora | Community and Public Health has issued a health warning after potentially toxic blue-green algae (planktonic cyanobacteria) was found in Te Roto o Wairewa – Lake Forsyth
People should avoid the lake and animals, particularly dogs, should not be allowed near the water until the health warning has been lifted.
Dr Cheryl Brunton, Waitaha Canterbury Medical Officer of Health, says the algal bloom can produce toxins harmful to humans and animals.
“People should avoid contact with the water until further notice.”
“Exposure may cause skin rashes, nausea, stomach cramps, tingling and numbness around the mouth and fingertips. If you experience any of these symptoms visit your doctor immediately and please let your doctor know if you have had contact with the lake water”, Dr Brunton says.
No one should drink the water from the lake at any time. Boiling the water does not remove the toxin.
Animals that show signs of illness after coming into contact with algal mats or scums should be taken to a vet immediately.
Fish and shellfish can concentrate toxins and their consumption should be avoided. If fish are eaten, remove the gut and liver and wash in clean water.
Further information on gathering Mahinga Kai can be obtained below.
Environment Canterbury monitors the lake weekly and the public will be advised of any changes in water quality that are of public health significance.
For further details visit: Or contact Te Mana Ora on (03) 364 1777:
For more information about Mahinga Kai:
Page last updated: 14 February 2023
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