Tuesday 14 May 2019Media release2 minutes to read
Canterbury District Health Board’s Community and Public Health unit has lifted the algal bloom health warning that was issued on the 7 March 2019 for the Otukaikino/Waimakariri confluence near SH1 and Main North Road bridges.
Recent cyanobacteria surveying of the water in the Otukaikino/Waimakariri confluence has shown the quantity of potentially toxic blue-green algae (benthic cyanobacteria) in the river has decreased and the cover is now below the levels that are of concern to public health.
Medical Officer of Health, Dr Ramon Pink says Environment Canterbury’s surveying of the rivers and lakes in the Canterbury region for algal blooms has ended for this season and will resume next summer when there is increased likelihood of cyanobacteria growth. Only two rivers, the Ashley at SH1 and the Ashley at the Rangiora-Loburn Bridge remain in warning and will continued to be monitored until warnings can be removed. The public will be notified of this in due course.
Facts about cyanobateria:
For further information visit:
Land Air Water Aotearoa or Community and Public Health.
For more information on Mahinga kai:
Page last updated: 30 July 2020
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