Sunday 24 March 2019Media release2 minutes to read
Please attribute comment to David Meates, Chief Executive, Canterbury District Health Board
24 people originally hospitalised after the mosque attacks on Friday, 15 March remain in Christchurch Hospital. Four are in still in critical condition in intensive care. One patient has been discharged to community care and support since yesterday with another planned for later today.
A 4-year-old girl is in a critical but stable condition in Starship Hospital in Auckland. Her father is in a stable condition nearby in Auckland City Hospital.
So that we can provide the best possible care for acutely unwell patients while our hospital is exceptionally busy, please phone your general practice team first if you need medical assistance – unless it’s an emergency. Call your usual GP team number day and night, and after hours a nurse will advise what to do and where to go if it’s urgent and you need to be seen right away.
Additional Information:
For a mix of health information you can trust, including factsheets on different topics and descriptions of local health services and supports visit HealthInfo.
For more trauma-specific information, visit Victim Support Coping after the Christchurch mosques terrorist attacks
Anyone who needs additional support can call or text 1737 to speak with a trained counsellor. This service is free of charge and is available day and night.
People can also visit the All right? website which is constantly being updated with best practice wellbeing advice.
There are also resources available online:
If you want to talk to a trained counsellor, you can phone or text 1737 to be put through to a counsellor any time of the day or night. This is a free service for everyone.
Page last updated: 19 October 2022
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