Monday 19 July 2021Waitaha Canterbury Pānui1 minute to read
In today’s update, Peter acknowledges the extraordinary work done by our people managing increased demands on our health system due to the significant number of RSV cases. He reminds us to get our free staff flu vaccines and encourage our Group 3 friends and whānau to use the COVID email or 0800 number to book their COVID-19 vaccinations. Peter talks about his visit with the Sexual Health team in Riccarton Road and the team working on ‘making our system flow’. He thanks staff and others who managed the support of our West Coast DHB whānau during the devastating flooding at the weekend and will continue to do so throughout the long recovery.
Also in this edition, the Christchurch Hyperbaric Unit is accredited for training and ‘Carol’ the X-ray machine arrives in the Chatham Islands.
You can read the Canterbury DHB CEO Update in two different formats:
Page last updated: 19 July 2021
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