Monday 28 March 2022Waitaha Canterbury Pānui2 minutes to read
In this edition of the CEO Update
Today Peter reminds us that the best protection for ourselves and our whānau is to be up to date with vaccinations – and that includes a COVID-19 booster. About 105,000 Cantabrians who are eligible are yet to have their booster dose. Having your booster can protect you from serious illness or hospitalisation, so please encourage everyone you know to get theirs.
Peter shares some numbers that reveal the massive response by so many across the Canterbury Health System and there’s a tribute to our highly respected former CEO Gordon Davies who passed away last Tuesday.
Also, this week, we begin the first in a series of stories showcasing staff who are working in redeployed roles, so meet Napat Sirihongthong, a Registered Nurse and Nurse Educator for the Burwood site. Her latest deployment is to the newly-opened Remdesivir clinic at Burwood.
Finally, we get an insight into the roles volunteers are taking on during the pandemic and how virtual ward rounds are keeping senior doctors in touch with their patients during a time of staff shortages due to COVID-19.
You can read the Canterbury DHB CEO Update in two different formats:
Page last updated: 28 March 2022
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