Tuesday 7 April 2020Waitaha Canterbury Pānui2 minutes to read
CEO David Meates introduces Peter Dooley – affectionately known by many as ‘2-metre Peter’ – who represents how far two metres is so you can keep that distance from other people outside of your bubble. David also acknowledges the work of the Student Volunteer Army, where students helped to do a first clean of the space to be used in Christchurch Hospital Hagley’s Intensive Care as part of the COVID-19 pandemic response. He also talks about All Right? and the Mental Health Foundation’s new national campaign, Getting Through Together – Whāia E Tātou Te Pae Tawhiti, to help New Zealanders look after their mental health and wellbeing during this COVID-19 pandemic.
This issue also covers some of measures the Chatham Islands is taking to prevent cases of COVID-19; the Medical Physics and Bioengineering Department’s work on 50 mobile personal protective equipment stands, and highlights some of the key pieces of advice from the Government’s Unite Against COVID-19 website; and much more.
You can read the Canterbury DHB CEO Update in two different formats:
Page last updated: 9 April 2020
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