Tuesday 29 October 2019Waitaha Canterbury Pānui1 minute to read
CEO David Meates welcomes the release of the Spring edition of WellNow Canterbury, our community magazine, which hits mailboxes this week and features some of the great work happening across the Canterbury Health System. He also talks about the incredibly tough year 2019 has been and some of the plans we can look forward to in 2020.
This issue also shares a message of thanks from El Paso where staff received our banner of support; promotes the GoodSAM app helping save lives; asks you to explore your implicit bias ahead of Patient Safety Week; celebrates the knitted Rugby World Cup teddies bringing smiles to children in hospital; explores the issue of homelessness; highlights the contribution of our volunteers; and much more.
You can read the Canterbury DHB CEO Update in two different formats:
Page last updated: 30 October 2019
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