Tuesday 7 February 2017Waitaha Canterbury Pānui1 minute to read
In this week’s CEO Update you can read about the projects underway that show progress towards being paper-lite (and saving thousands in the process!).
There’s good news for North Cantabrians with the surgical bus set to park up at the Rangiora Health Hub to provide more surgery closer to home for locals. You can step inside the bus on Tuesday 14 March from 8am-3pm during an open day at the Rangiora Health Hub.
Read about the new integrated model of care in Kaikoura which will see Canterbury DHB and Kaikoura Healthcare Ltd share a management and leadership structure. This truly integrated team model brings together primary, secondary, tertiary and aged residential care services. And on page 12 see why ‘swallow therapy’ is putting smiles on patients faces at Burwood.
Page last updated: 18 October 2018
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