Monday 15 July 2019Waitaha Canterbury Pānui1 minute to read
Chief Executive David Meates checks in with Christchurch and Burwood hospital staff about how they are managing with high patient numbers and fewer staff due to winter ailments. He shares their preparations to move some services to the new acute services building, and progress on improvements to the Burwood Hospital Spinal Unit. He also announces Canterbury DHB has been selected as a finalist in the Enviro-Mark Solutions Awards in the category of Excellence in Climate Action.
This issue also looks at the role of the Consumer Council, profiles a Canterbury DHB research project that has been funded to assess a fast bedside blood test, urges Cantabrians to look after themselves this flu season, promotes a smokefree pregnancy incentive programme helping pregnant women to quit, and much more.
You can read the Canterbury DHB CEO Update in two different formats:
Page last updated: 9 April 2020
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