The purpose of this group is to ensure people with disabilities in the Canterbury and West Coast districts have the health services they need, and feel included in decisions about their health.
The Disability Steering Group (DSG) has been selected to ensure the right balance of representation and has a wide range of relevant knowledge and expertise or experience living with a disability.
The DSG has the Canterbury and West Coast Health Disability Action Plan (PDF, 600KB) as the focus for its work. The Plan identifies short-term goals to be achieved in the first two years, and longer-term goals over the ten year lifespan of the Plan.
The ten-year Canterbury and West Coast Heath Disability Action Plan (PDF, 600KB) was launched in July 2016 after extensive consultation and at that time it outlined the priorities for our health system for the first two years, with the intention of reviewing priorities every two years for the life of the Plan. During August 2019 and on behalf of the Disability Steering Group, the DHB organised a series of five open, public hui to provide opportunities for the community to have input into what the next priority actions should be. People could also provide input online or by phone.
Public feedback and suggestions were collated and added to input from disability sector shareholders and advocates. It has since been presented to a new Disability Steering Group membership, also refreshed for the start of 2020. As at Jan/Feb 2020 the Disability Steering Group is working on ratifying those immediate priorities and updating the Plan accordingly.
The DSG meets approximately monthly. The main points discussed, the advice it provides and the work it instigates are all recorded as key messages. The key messages are public, and are also sent by email to identified stakeholders and any person that has asked to go on the mailing list.
Key messages can be viewed in the document library.
If you would like to be added to the mailing list or provide general feedback on the work of the DSG or make suggestions please email
It is hoped that over time the DSG can increase engagement and further exchange ideas and views with the wider community – but in particular, those who experience disability, have someone in their whānau who does, or work within the disability sector and/or in health.
Featuring people with lived experience of disability
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The video is in three parts and features people or families talking about their experiences and what they want from their health system.
The video opens with retired Greymouth school teacher Margaret Woollett – remember, this is a TransAlpine action plan that aims to support disabled people and their family/whānau on both the West Coast and in Canterbury.
The second part features the Andrell family of Burwood (who are here with us at the launch).
The final part of the video features Disability Support Advisory Committee member Ben Lucas who is the chef de mission for the Rio Paralympics and who provided input on the redevelopment of Burwood Hospital.
Page last updated: 28 February 2023
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