Medical and surgical services cover medical services: general medicine, cardiology/lipid disorders, endocrinology/diabetes, respiratory, rheumatology/immunology, infectious diseases, oncology, gastroenterology, clinical haematology, neurology, renal, palliative, hyperbaric medicine, dermatology, dental and sexual health. They also cover surgical services: general surgery, vascular, ENT, ophthalmology, cardiothoracic, orthopaedics, neurosurgery, urology, plastic, maxillofacial and cardiothoracic surgeries and the services of the day surgery unit.
Medical and Surgical Services also cover: emergency investigations, outpatients, anaesthesia, intensive care, radiology, Molecular Imaging and Therapy, clinical pharmacology, pharmacy, medical physics and allied health services. The Christchurch Hospital has a busy Emergency Department, treating around 84,000 patients per annum.
Page last updated: 8 April 2024
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