We are continuously looking at ways of improving service and the user of those services is the best person to answer how we can do that. We have a number of different ways of gathering feedback to help us “listen to the voice of the consumer”.
When a consumer's experience of our health services doesn't meet their expectations, we want to hear about it. Another way we get feedback on how we can improve the consumer experience of our health care services is through the Consumer Council.
The Consumer Council was set up in 2008 as a way for consumers to have a strong voice in planning, designing and delivering services in Canterbury. The Consumer Council's slogan is “Nothing about us, without us”, because we believe health care should always be planned with consumer involvement, right from the beginning.
The consumer council is invited to participate in, and comment on, many initiatives to enhance the patient's experience. It has a regular commitment to the Xcelr8 – the business of caring programme that has been designed to develop our health system leaders. This has included consumer input into the development of eSCRV – Electronic clinical information sharing, the Pulmonary Rehabilitation Working Group (PRWG), the development of Advanced Care Plans and participation in the design forum for Burwood Hospital to name just a few.
The group works together on ways to improve the way services are provided. This enables consumers to work in partnership with clinicians and health managers at a senior level, to influence the transformational change of our health system.
The council is made up of a diverse range of people with ethnic backgrounds and areas of interest that include Māori health, Pacific health, mental health, people with long-term conditions, people with physical, intellectual and sensory disabilities, older people, youth, men, women, rural communities, people with visual and hearing impairment and people with alcohol and other drug addictions.
Consumer Council Biographies, May 2022 (PDF, 300KB)
Council members are nominated by consumers and consumer lobby and advocacy groups. Collectively they have a broad range of understanding and experience of how it feels to be a consumer and what consumers need.
Consumer Council Structure, December 2020 (PDF, 100KB)
Consumer Council Terms of Reference (PDF, 400KB)
Resources (IHI and HQS Commission documents)
Consumer Council Meeting Minutes – 13 July 2022 (PDF, 200KB)
The Consumer Council meets on the second Wednesday of every month.
Previous meeting agenda papers and minutes can be viewed in the document library.
Minutes for all meetings are available to the public, please contact consumercouncil@cdhb.health.nz if you would like copies.
Kathy O’Neill, Team Leader, Planning & Funding, Health New Zealand Waitaha Canterbury
Email: consumercouncil@cdhb.health.nz
Consumer Council
Planning & Funding
Health New Zealand Waitaha Canterbury
32 Oxford Terrace
Consumer Council
Planning & Funding
Health New Zealand Waitaha Canterbury
PO Box 1600
Page last updated: 10 April 2024
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