If you require urgent medical treatment or advice please see our After Hours and Emergency information, or if you have an urgent hospital related enquiry, please contact the hospital concerned.
We cannot give medical advice
Please contact your doctor , visit an urgent care clinic, phone Healthline for FREE on 0800 611 116 or contact the person in charge of your medical care.
Urgent hospital related enquiries over public holidays
If you have an hospital related enquiry, please contact staff at the hospital concerned by telephone or in person. For medical emergencies, see our I’m not well where do I go? page.
For patients and/or their families enquiring about care and treatment: Please contact the hospital concerned by telephone or in person and ask for the Nurse in Charge of the ward in the first instance, or alternatively you can ask for the Duty Manager.
Enquiries from news media over public holidays: Please see our on-call media advisor roster
Some health services can be contacted directly by telephone and email address rather than using this form, many other health services are listed on hospital pages and in the health services directory on this website.
We want to know what we are doing well and where we can improve. Patients, family/whānau and visitors can send us suggestions, compliments or complaints using this form. For more information about patient rights and the Health and Disability Commission Advocacy Service, see the Tell us what you think and During your visit pages, in our patients and visitors section.
If you would like to change the contact information that Te Whatu Ora hold about you, including your name, address, phone number and your doctor, please use our Change your contact details form.
To make an official information request go to our requests for official information page.
For enquiries about a patient, please phone the relevant hospital patient enquiries number.
You can use this contact form to make the following types of enquiries:
When you see a * it means that it must be completed. Other fields are optional.
Page last updated: 8 January 2024
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