General practice teams (GPs) in Christchurch and Canterbury are listed and shown on the map below. You can also use the map to find contact details, opening times and phone numbers for your doctor and general practice team.
Most GP practice listings have links to their general practice's website for more information about services, enrolling with a doctor, cost's and availability. Remember, you can call your general practice team's normal phone number after hours for care around the clock and speak to a nurse for medical advice.
If this map or data does not display: This map is designed to work with up to date versions of web browsers such as Chrome, FireFox and Safari, please upgrade or use a different browser if the map does not display well.
All care was taken in the creation of this map from a number of data sources. However, CDHB cannot accept any responsibility for errors, omissions, or positional accuracy. Notification of any errors or omissions is appreciated and can be notified here
You can use this map to search for and browse general medical (GP) practices in the CDHB region.
Click on a red medical practice symbol to see details for that practice.
You can drag the map around and zoom in and out as required, using your mouse or touch-screen.
Start typing a practice name in the Practice name search box to see a list of matching names. Select a practice name to zoom to that practice's location.
You can also click on district names displayed on the right of the map to zoom the map to that district.
Clicking on a practice name in the list displayed on the right of the map will zoom the map to that practice. You can scroll up and down through the list
You can also use the Find your address text box to make the map find and zoom to your address.
Finally, you can use the Directions from address form, displayed with each practice's details, to show directions between your address and the practice.
Page last updated: 3 February 2025
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