Key plans and reports are listed at the top of the document library homepage, other recent documents are listed by date under these documents. Please note: Many publications in our document library are now historic district health board documents, rather than current information. You can find up-to-date national publications, including responses to OIA requests on the Te Whatu Ora national website.
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The Canterbury DHB's Statement of Intent sets out the key financial and non-financial measures and targets that the Canterbury health system aims to achieve.
The Canterbury DHB's Statement of Intent sets out the key financial and non-financial measures and targets that the Canterbury health system aims to achieve.
The Canterbury DHB's Statement of Intent sets out the key financial and non-financial measures and targets that the Canterbury health system aims to achieve.
The Canterbury DHB's Statement of Intent 2016/2020 sets out the key financial and non-financial measures and targets that the Canterbury health system aims to achieve.
The Canterbury DHB's Statement of Intent 2014/18 sets out the key financial and non-financial measures and targets that the Canterbury health system aims to achieve.
The Canterbury DHB's Statement of Intent 2010/13 sets out the key financial and non-financial measures and targets that the Canterbury health system aims to achieve.
The Canterbury DHB's Statement of Intent 2009/12 sets out the key financial and non-financial measures and targets that the Canterbury health system aims to achieve.
The Canterbury DHB's Statement of Intent 2008/11 sets out the key financial and non-financial measures and targets that the Canterbury health system aims to achieve.
Showing 1-8 of 8 results, page 1 of 1.
Page last updated: 24 January 2024
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