Monday 12 November 2018Waitaha Canterbury Pānui2 minutes to read
Chief Executive David Meates reflects on Canterbury DHB’s 2017/18 performance against the National Health Targets, thanking staff for their commitment to improving our health system and meeting the needs of Cantabrians. He also reminds everyone to look out for each other this Wednesday 14 November, which is the second anniversary of the 2016 7.8 North Canterbury earthquake ─ and who you can contact if you or someone you know needs help.
This issue also highlights the science behind and dangers of antibiotic resistance as part of World Antibiotic Awareness Week (12 – 18 November), and what one of our teams is doing to facilitate the sensible use of antibiotics. We acknowledge the success of one of our photographers, who won four awards at a conference in the United Kingdom last month, and we let you know the results of a Commuter Challenge: was the winner using an e-bike, an electric scooter, a bicycle, bus or car?
You can read the Canterbury DHB CEO Update in two different formats:
Page last updated: 3 December 2018
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