Monday 5 November 2018Waitaha Canterbury Pānui2 minutes to read
Chief Executive David Meates welcomes Dr Jacqui Lunday Johnstone as our new Executive Director of Allied Health, Scientific and Technical who comes on-board with an impressive work history. He also celebrates the online release of the spring edition of our WellNow Quality Accounts – Canterbury’s community health magazine.
This issue also introduces the theme of this year’s Patient Safety Week, which is infection prevention and control, with a focus on practising good hand hygiene – We let you know how you can spread the hand hygiene message (not germs), and highlight what our Infection Prevention and Control service does year-round to keep us safe from nasty germs. We acknowledge the success three Radiology nurses had at a recent annual event, and we mark the official launch of a Restorative Care framework – one of getting up, getting dressed and getting moving – in the acute hospital setting.
You can read the Canterbury DHB CEO Update in two different formats:
Page last updated: 3 December 2018
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