Monday 20 May 2019Waitaha Canterbury Pānui1 minute to read
Chief Executive David Meates celebrates Mana Ake, Stronger for Tomorrow – one year on. The programme, designed in Canterbury to support the mental health and wellbeing of children aged five to 12 is now available to children, whānau and teachers through 219 Canterbury schools.
He also confirms that the latest Canterbury measles outbreak is over and reminds us that the moral of the story is to protect you and your family by getting immunised on time – measles is only ever a plane ride away.
Canterbury DHB is currently in a period of digital transformation, bringing to life technology and system solutions that support opportunities to improve the patient journey and enhance our clinical and operational effectiveness.
Canterbury DHB is proud to be supporting and taking part in this year’s Techweek.
You can read the Canterbury DHB CEO Update in two different formats:
Page last updated: 17 August 2022
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