Monday 21 February 2022Waitaha Canterbury Pānui1 minute to read
In this edition of the CEO Update
With new community COVID-19 cases across Aotearoa now exceeding 2000 a day and Canterbury getting increasing numbers, we have entered Phase Two of our Omicron response. It’s all hands on deck with our Emergency Coordination Centre stood up almost a week ago and working with the various local Emergency Operation Centres across Canterbury and the West Coast.
Also, in this edition, you can read about how iPads are being set up in COVID-19 isolation wards to aid communication and integrated care, the first celebration ceremony of the Canterbury Enrolled Nurse Support into Practice Programme since its inception in September 2020, and a fantastic virtual reality treatment for anxiety and phobia.
You can read the Canterbury DHB CEO Update in two different formats:
Page last updated: 22 February 2022
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