Monday 26 August 2019Waitaha Canterbury Pānui1 minute to read
CEO David Meates provides an update on timings for the new Christchurch Hospital Hagley building, including a public open day planned for Sunday 6 October to give people an opportunity to look inside one of the largest and most complex hospitals built in New Zealand. He also congratulates Professor Frank Frizelle on being awarded the Colin McRae Medal by the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons.
This issue also includes the genetics work of Canterbury Health Laboratories at the recent Human Genetics Society of Australasia conference, highlights how the Services Continuity team is preparing for the unexpected, farewells long-serving microbiologist and infection controller Mona Schousboe, welcomes the arrival of manikin Premature Anne to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, and much more.
You can read the Canterbury DHB CEO Update in two different formats:
Page last updated: 2 September 2019
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