Monday 25 July 2022Waitaha Canterbury Pānui2 minutes to read
In this edition of Te Whatu Ora Waitaha | Canterbury Pānui
Today we share some informative videos from Te Whatu Ora CEO Margie Apa and Board Chair Rob Campbell. There’s a review of our current COVID-19 numbers that we hope are close to peaking as we look optimistically towards spring. Read about a new public dashboard reporting COVID-19 wastewater figures that shows our actual case numbers may be higher than we realise.
If you’re having difficulty getting a good night’s sleep, we have some great advice and have the first of a series of winter warmer recipes for these cold rainy days. Also, in this edition, we share the launch of two important projects: a new Waitaha | Canterbury Suicide Prevention Action Plan and website and an Addictions System Design project for Waitaha | Canterbury and Te Tai o Poutini | West Coast.
There's a new hand hygiene initiative to make it easier for those who need assistance to clean their hands, and we haven’t forgotten the quiz – this week on Canterbury sportspeople.
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Page last updated: 25 July 2022
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