Tuesday 29 October 2019WellNow Canterbury Magazine2 minutes to read
WellNow Canterbury is our community health magazine that goes to every mailbox in Canterbury and the Chatham Islands twice a year. This A Snapshot of how we’re doing edition demonstrates how we are meeting the Health Quality & Safety Commission’s requirements that DHBs give an account for the quality of their services, providing a snapshot of how our health system is meeting Canterbury’s health needs, and showcases our work to improve services and standards of care.
The online-only version features a How we measure up section, charting our performance against the national health targets, the quality and safety markers as set by the Health Quality & Safety Commission, and other key measures.
Highlighted stories
Heroes for the day: The masks putting young cancer patients at ease
Putting on a radiotherapy mask can be a claustrophobic experience, particularly for kids. To help make the experience better, some of the hospital’s radiotherapy masks have been painted, transforming their young patients into little superheroes, with Spiderman™ and the Black Panther™ now regular visitors to Christchurch Hospital’s Oncology Department.
Connecting is key to improving health outcomes for Pasifika people
Achieving better health outcomes for Pasifika people is both a national and DHB priority. Two Christchurch-based Pasifika health providers, the Tangata Atumotu Trust and Etu Pasifika, share an understanding of Pasifika people’s holistic view of health, and are building connections and making a difference.
Restorative Care: Get up, get dressed, get moving
Based on the concept of ‘get up, get dressed, get moving’, Restorative Care takes a proactive approach to boosting a person’s ability to recover from injury or illness and enables them to actively contribute to decisions about their care. Thanks to the success of a pilot at Burwood Hospital, the approach was launched Christchurch Hospital-wide last year and is helping patients recover faster.
You can read the full online magazine in two different formats:
Page last updated: 5 November 2019
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