All hospital visitors are encouraged to wear a medical face mask. Expand this message for information about visiting hospital. 

Last updated:
31 October 2024

Some visitor restrictions for all Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora Waitaha Canterbury hospitals and health facilities remain in place, but we have relaxed others.

There is still a heightened risk to vulnerable people in hospital and we encourage all people wear a mask when visiting any of our facilities and follow other advice designed to keep patients, staff and visitors safe.

To keep everybody safe:

  • Visitors or support people are advised to not visit our facilities if they are unwell. We advise that you do not visit if you have recently tested positive for COVID-19 and haven’t completed your isolation period.
  • Patients may have more than one visitor, except in some situations such as multi-bed rooms where it can cause overcrowding.
  • Surgical/medical masks are encouraged to be worn at all sites. Masks will be provided if you don’t have one.
  • Please practice hand hygiene with provided alcohol-based hand rub/gel

Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding as our staff work hard to protect and care for some of the most vulnerable in our community.

Visiting patients with COVID-19

  • People can visit patients who have COVID-19 but they must wear a surgical mask as a minimum – please use surgical masks provided.

All of our Hospitals

Visiting hours for our hospitals have returned to pre COVID-19 hours.

All visitors are encouraged to wear a medical face mask.

Parents/caregivers can be with their child in hospital and visitors are now allowed, except for the Children’s Haematology and Oncology Day stay where visitor restrictions might apply.

Patients and visitors can also read the additional COVID-19 related visiting guidelines .

Appointment of Crown Monitor represents opportunity for Canterbury Health System

Friday 14 June 2019Media release3 minutes to read

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A Crown Monitor has been appointed to the Canterbury DHB Board

A Crown Monitor has been appointed to the Canterbury District Health Board

Canterbury DHB welcomes Health Minister Dr David Clark’s decision to appoint a Crown Monitor.

Board Chair Dr John Wood says the appointment of Dr Lester Levy as Crown Monitor will provide additional support to the work the DHB is undertaking to improve its financial performance.
“The DHB continues to respond to a number of unique and long-term challenges, including the aftermath of the earthquakes and our redevelopment needs, as well as the recent impacts of the 15 March terrorist attacks.

“Reaching a stronger financial position will ensure that Canterbury DHB is better positioned to respond to these challenges.

“Financial sustainability and complex funding requirements require a joint approach. Canterbury DHB continues to work with the Ministry of Health, and also external consultants, EY, to strengthen our ongoing work and future planning to improve our sustainability and we now have a better relationship platform on which to build. Dr Levy’s input into this work will be valuable.
“Following the Minister’s visit to meet with DHB members this week, the announcement of a Crown Monitor to be added to the Board creates a great opportunity to ensure that the Government and Canterbury DHB are well aligned in their understanding of the complexity of the Canterbury health landscape.
“I appreciate the consideration the Government has put into selecting Dr Levy as Crown Monitor, recognising his extensive skills and experience that will now support the Board in navigating the challenges we will continue to face.
“As Chair of the Board I welcome the appointment of the Crown Monitor to the DHB to support our continued focus on the health and wellbeing of the Canterbury community,” says Dr Wood.
Dr Lester Levy says he is looking forward to the opportunity to provide extra support to Canterbury DHB.
“I have a deep respect and empathy for the people of Canterbury. The DHB has admirably responded to the earthquakes and the recent terror attack. I will be undertaking my role with this important context in mind.
“I have over 40 years of experience working in the health sector in a range of challenging leadership and governance roles, dealing with large scale, wide-ranging and complex issues.
“As Chair of Auckland, Waitemata and Counties Manukau DHBs, I worked closely with my Board colleagues, management and staff to improve clinical and financial performance. I also provided oversight on the development of the long-term investment plan for the Northern region, addressing future infrastructure needs.
“Given my background and experience, as well as the challenges I’ve dealt with, I believe I have a sound strategic overview of the sector complexities, as well as the opportunities provided by new technologies and contemporary models of care.
“I am committed to using my skills and experience to provide constructive input to the Board. The Minister of Health has made it clear that he expects me to assist the DHB to strengthen its financial performance and sustainability, as well as future redevelopment plans,” says Dr Levy.



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Page last updated: 19 October 2022

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