A summary of the costs of hospital intensive care services provided to those not entitled to NZ free health care (ineligible patients). The cost summary should include reference to the number of days or hours in intensive care. Information to cover the last three years.
How many foreign nationals (non-resident) have been charged by public health system between 1/4/2019 and 31/3/2020.
Total amount of debt incurred in treating foreign, ineligible patients 2014/2015-2018/2019. Number of patients. Recovery of debt?
Total annual costs over the past five financial years of treatment for people not eligible for publicly funded health services in New Zealand.
Number of people who received publicly funded fertility treatment broken down by residency status.
Re non-residents use of emergency ambulance services.
Showing 1-7 of 7 results, page 1 of 1.
Page last updated: 16 June 2021
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