Response to official information request
- Was Christchurch Hospital subject to a lock down on 15 March 2019?
- How long was the hospital in lockdown?
- How did lockdown affect hospital operations?
- Were visitors (including staff) to the hospital declined access during this time?
- Were any other Canterbury DHB premises closed or subject to lockdown during this time?
- How many patients were treated for injuries related to the mosque shootings on 15 March 2019?
- How many hours of surgery time were spent treating people injured in the Christchurch mosque shootings?
- How have the mosque shootings impacted on hospital resourcing and wait lists - has there been an increase in waiting times for patients with conditions/ treatments/ operations unrelated to the mosque shootings?
- Has the hospital or DHB received any complaints about increased waiting times as a result of the mosque shootings?
- Have any DHB employees required counselling or treatment as a result of their dealings with people injured in the mosque shootings?