Winter illness preparedness reports, briefing documents or modelling for influenza, RSV, measles or whooping cough illness in relation to the upcoming 2022 winter season.
Regarding COVID vaccinations: How do testing protocols uniquely and individually identify the subject as having one or more of the following if they test positive?
Measles: cost to the DHB from the measles epidemic, number of measles related presentations, number of admissions, number ICU admissions and average bed days in ICU, total of bed days due to measles related illness.
Why so few discarded cases in the WHO report when the vast majority of PCR test are negative.
Correspondence sent and received by officials responsible for ordering vaccines about the need for more measles vaccines.
Information regarding Measles pop up clinics held since outbreak began.
The immunisation status of medical/DHB staff mentioned as having contracted measles. How many of these and wider cases of DHB staff were vaccinated? How many shots did they receive? How close after the vaccines did they contract the measles?
Measles - Email notification to DHB CEO notifying them of measles outbreak 28/2/2019
How many DHB health workers have contracted vaccine preventable illnesses such as measles, whooping cough or flue while employed by DHB in last decade? Had these workers been vaccinated? How many patients, if any, have contracted vaccine preventable illnesse3s from Health workers or other patients while in hospital in past decade?
Any information the DHB holds about vaccination / immunisation rates for its health workers.
What are the WHO Vitamin A dosing guidelines for patients hospitalised with measles? Number of patients treated with Vitamin A for measles. How much Vitamin A stock does DHB hold?
Re 13 cases of denotified measles. What was the time interval between vaccination and specimen connection/collection? Number of other such cases in last five years?
Any documentation/presentations presented at the World Health Organisation 8th meeting Vaccine Preventable Diseases Laboratory Networks in Manila, March 2019.
National Measles Laboratory measles notifications and test results.
How many measles cases have been confirmed as caused by vaccine strains of the virus over the last five years and time interval between each case and their last MMR vaccination?
For the 236 notified cases that were investigated: Date of notification, age, vaccination status, result of investigation? Admission status.
Transmission of measles virus from one sibling to another sibling
About the Measles outbreak in Canterbury 2019.
All correspondence this year regarding Measles Outbreak - CDHB staff with MoH, Pharmac, Canterbury Primary Response Group.
Showing 1-20 of 20 results, page 1 of 1.
Page last updated: 24 May 2022
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